
Space Talent brings your career into the future

Green dots shaped in a circle

Space Talent is a free resource from Space Capital that connects employers and professionals across the space ecosystem. Our Job Board features the latest opportunities from the space and tech worlds.

We’re at the intersection of space and tech.

Talent is a crucial part of the equation in building successful companies. Space Talent is a free resource from Space Capital that not only provides a job platform but also prepares jobseekers at all levels for a career in the space-tech ecosystem through our curated resources and insights. These resources include possibilities for those just starting their career, from internships to the opportunity to create your own company.

Space-based technologies are the building blocks of innovation. GPS provides us with a playbook for how space-based technologies are creating thousands of new employment opportunities. Geospatial intelligence and satellite communications hold similar growth as GPS and we’re helping companies find the talent that will unlock that potential.

A black female student working on her engineering project

Why a career enabled by space?

Companies are leveraging space-based technology to create innovative business models and unlock new markets. The increase in job opportunities is related to this continuing growth.

The future of entrepreneurial space is the future of innovation here on the ground. This economy is dependent on finding talent from a range of industries who will apply their unique skills to utilize new technology and solve complex challenges. Space Talent facilitates these employment connections, alongside internship listings, startup funding, and industry resources.

Green dots shaped in a circle

Make your mark on the future

Space-based technologies create opportunities for innovation. Space Talent helps founders experiment, build, and finance new businesses by providing resources and the opportunity to receive up to $2.5M in funding from Space Capital and our affiliates.

Space Technology Stack

There are many potential careers at each unique layer of the technology stack.







